The  company Euroaccounting PC Accounting services- Business Consultants was established in 1999 and it consists of a team of experienced professionals, duly certified and licensed to provide accounting and tax services in Greece.

     The rapidly changing economic and regulatory environment at both local and international level, the strict and complex framework of regulations and guidelines in tax, accounting, payroll and business conduct matters and the risks entailed in any business action call for a timely and reliable information and careful compliance of business, enterpreneurs and tax payers. Compliance with fiscal and corporate regulations is now a significant tool in sustainable growth of business activities and understanding the effects of necessary adjustments required is essential for decision making, timely organization or restructuring and the avoidance of risks and costs in the future. Our aim is to offer high quality and safe solutions tailored to the needs of each client with the constant and direct involvement of experienced professionals.

     Our company is a member of the Nexia a worldwide network of independent accounting and consulting firms, ranking 9th globally, according to International Accounting Bulletin Survey 2018, having more than 245 members in more than 115 Countries.